أخبار ساخنة

مجموعة فرص عمل في منظمة مرام في تركيا

 Job opportunities:  Maram Foundation - vacancy announcements

- Location: Gaziantep – Türkiye.- Closing date: 14/06/2023. * Position: Program Officer. * Reports to: Program Coordinator.* Duration: 3 months. ====================== * Position: Liaison Officer. * Reports to: CEO. * Duration: 2 months. ====================== * Position: Volunteers for the Call Center, Hotline, and AAP. * Reports to: Meal officer. * Duration: 3 months. .   who find in themselves the ability and competency.  Please fill out the forms and we will communicate with only who has the required qualifications for the meeting Invitations to interviews will be done only through emails. #Maram #Türkiye